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Translate This #3 - Answers

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1. Language and Communication
I don't understand.
B - Nerozumím.
Source: Language and Communication

2. Telling Time
What time is it?
A - Kolik je hodin?
Source: Telling Time

3. Socializing
Nice to meet you.
C - Těší mě.
Source: Meeting People

4. Getting Around
I would like a return ticket.
A - Chtěl bych zpáteční jízdenku.
Source: Transportation

5. Accommodation
I would like a double room.
C - Prosil bych dvoulůžkový pokoj.
Source: Places to Stay

6. What You Should Know
Good bye.
D - Nashledanou.
Source: Greetings

Translate This! #1     Translate This! #2     Translate This! #4

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